
Emre Karaca

Computer Engineer
@Yol ve Yazılım


I love coding whilst travelling and creating video content about my journey!


I'm a senior year Computer Engieering student at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. I am currently part time working as an Android Developer at TUVIMER ARGE. In my free time I love working out at the gym, playing electric guitar, traveling with budget and creating video content about it. I don't think an Engineer needs to be anti-social. In fact being social, meeting new people always helped me to gain new perspectives. Hence new ideas of applications to build and new teammates to do start-ups with.


  • Computer Enginerring
    3.08 / 4

    Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa - 2013-present

  • High School
    80 %

    Yüksel Acun Anadolu Lisesi - 2009-2013


  • The Complete Web Development Bootcamp
    from Angela Yu - Udemy

  • Android Mobil Uygulama Java&Kotlin
    from Atil Samancioglu - Udemy

  • The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
    from Angela Yu - Udemy


Android Developer Current

09/2021 - present

I have been working in an App called Tapusor. It's a real estate Big Data application that helps you to find out about the value of the real estate that you choose from the map. I am one of the two deveopers on the Android side of the application.

I am mostly writing map functions and building layouts for the app.


08/2021 - 09/2021

I had experince with Data Scraping and managing the Big Data.

I have used PostgreSQL for data management and PHPMaker 2021 for creating PHP web products for clients.


Web Development

I took an Online Web Development course from Angela Yu in Udemy. I have studied HTML5, CSS3 and Node.js in this course.

Here's some fun sites that I have created:
DVD Head A bouncing picture of me like the old DVD logo
Fun CV Site Fun CV site
My Favorite Dish An acrostic poetry site of my favorite dish

Android Development

I have been working in a project called Tapusor for 7 months. I am one of the two developers who is managing the Android side of the Application. I have used Java mostly but currently we are trying to switch to Flutter. I also took a part in a flutter project called Moth. It's a book review platform.

Here's the links that you can see details:
Tapusor Tapusor
Moth Moth (A book review platform)

Database Management

As I was interning I worked with Big Data about real estate. I had some experince with Data Scraping, categorizing and cleaning the data and turning the data to a product. I used PostgreSQL and PHPMaker 2021


I have worked in Photography field since I was a child. I have years of experience of taking indoor photos and editing in our Photography Studio. I can use a professional DSLR camera and can use Photoshop and Lightroom professionally.

I also played music in the streets and local bars. I can play rock/metal songs with my electric guitar.

Contact Me

Emre Karaca

Beşiktaş, İstanbul, Turkey
Mobile: +90 534 652 4872
E-mail: 0emrekaraca@gmail.com / emre.karaca@tuvimer.com